Wednesday 14 July 2010

Where we want to go!

1. Goliath in Switzerland

A 255ft opening drop, no I didn't make a spelling mistake. This reaches speeds of just over 85mph, I am drooling at the thought.....

2. Dragon Khan in Spain

Some say you havn't lived till you have tried this, just by looking at the picture I understand what they are on about!! This boasts eight inversions, and it is safe to say it will provide thrills beyond belief.

3. Furius Baco, PortAventura, Spain

The seats on this rollercoaster are placed on either side of the track, so passengers are totally exposed on three sides and if you're the one on the outer edge, you get an extra thrill of being completely out in the open, rushing in at an average of 84 mph.... Oh baby baby, please take me here!



We think that this theme park is by far the best in the UK. A range of rides and a beautiful place to spend the day. The place has the best and most thrilling rides: if you like fun you need to go.

AIR - One of the best rides I have been on, you actually fly through the air. Me and the guys loved it, Martin looked so scared the photo was worth every penny itself. His shrills and screams best describe the ride, a real beauty!

Thi13teen - I don't want to show you this ride, you need to see it for yourselves. A huge surprise is in store for you though guys, goo now. Once again Martin's screams were priceless, but in our view that makes a good ride!!!!!

Nemesis - oooooooooo, this ride is old but oh so fun. A classic ride, just fun fun. It has a personalitiy engraved on it through years of scaring people.

Oblivian- Scary as ****, a great thrill but the three of us like rides to last longer. I wanted more to Oblivian, but don't get me wrong, if you head to Alton Towers check it out.... unless there was a 3 hour queue like we had for a 1 minute ride. hmmmmmmm


A Themepark which has really fallen back and failed to keep its thrill rides. Ramseys Revenge is the only thrill ride this park really has to offer. Don't go here unless you have young children.



Located in one of our favourite parks, this ride ticks all the boxes. The photo above personifies what we think is the best ride at Thorpe Park. This one really makes you come off confused, displaced, dizzy...but boy its thrilling.


Ye... thats what we thought when we saw this photo, except we heard the screaming and swearing. Short and sweet, this ride is fun but not one of the best around. It scared the crap out of us but was like many other similar rides.


Fast. Fast. This baby reaches speeds of up to 80mph!!!! Be prepared for your head being bashed about, its not for the frail. But an awesome thrill, but a short thrill.


This new ride has taken Thorpe Park to new levels. A jaw dropping drop of 100 degrees makes this one a must, and one of the top rides in the UK.